La Guarida: book here at the best rate guaranteed

In case there are questions we haven’t thought of,
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Check in

self check-in is available, but it is essential to use the same phone number as for the reservation.

How do I access the facility?

You will receive via SMS a phone number to open the main door and a code to open the flat door.

Where do I find the Wifi password?

The password is indicated under the red heart located in the library.

Where can I find the main operational guidelines?

You will find in the flat the house manual with the main operating instructions for your stay in the flat.

Is there a washing machine?

No, the flat does not have a washing machine, but there is a dry cleaning service nearby.

Where is Villa Marisa located?

You will find Villa Marisa right in front of the boat landing.

Villa Marisa has no house number.

Yes there is no house number Villa Marisa is on the corner of Salita Banchina nuova and Corso Pisacane. You can reach it from the port by accessing the steps in front of the ship landing, between the Ponza Mare offices and the petrol station.

Can I leave my luggage when I arrive by boat/hydrofoil?

Yes, even if you arrive before the check-in time, you can leave your luggage and you will be given the keys for later access.

Can I leave my luggage when I check out and collect it when the ship/hydrofoil departs?

Yes, of course, you can leave your luggage in the luggage room and collect it later when you leave.

Where do I leave the keys when I check out?

You can leave the keys in the basket hanging on the wall near the main entrance door.

Where do I find the wifi password?

You can find the password in the house manual that you will find in the flat together with the other main operating instructions.